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UX / UI Designer
When I joined the company as an intern, the redesign of the group's website had already been in progress for some time. We got together in a team of three to make progress on this subject. I proposed to follow a user research approach, which was not possible because of the time already spent on this project, but we still did some researches and analyzes of the existing situation.

First, we thought about the band image that defines the company that we have gathered in 3 axes:
The human, the human relations and the family spirit which represents the atmosphere of the team's collaboration since the creation of the company.
Innovation and the desire to create opportunities, to build projects and to find ever more effective solutions.
The expertise and the quality of the work, the technique and the skills that are provided to the customers and demonstrates the serious nature of the group.
I also carried out a benchmark and an ergonomic benchmark in order to analyze what exists on the marketplace, to be inspired and to position ourselves among the sites in the engineering field.

Following all that, we were asked to produce results quickly. I started the zoning of the site with the home page by projecting myself as a user who would discover the LGM group and who would potentially want to apply for a job, as this is indeed the main audience. Using this reasoning, the home page starts with a presentation of the group and its societies. The second page I worked on was the industry sectors, which is also relevant for someone who wants to know more about the company.

We continued to develop the pages as we went along, making many iterations and completing the content with the text that was destined to be the final version. It was a long work that stopped for me just before its development, for lack of funds. I still did researches on the interactions and animations that have served as examples and inspiration for the websites.
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