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BSE mockup


UX / UI Designer
The project took a whole year to complete. It began with an analysis phase, then a production phase and finally a change management phase.

BSE stands for "Bordereau de Saisie des Équipements" (=Equipment Entry Form). It's an Excel tool, used by some teams working in a large company, to capitalize modifications of equipments on nuclear sites according to norms. Modifications are created or updated using this tool, based on Modification Sheets. Once the content has been validated, the data is integrated into the EAM, the client-wide database.
Analysis File 1
Analysis File 2
This first phase of analysis began with 8 interviews with different professions from two teams: DIPDE and CNEPE. Each interview was transcribed to avoid being biased by interpretation, and to minimize the possibility of missing any information. The interviews were then analyzed by categories, and a synthesis was written. Finally, 3 personae with their emotional map were identified.
After assimilating the workflow and gathering user needs and issues, we conducted a workshop with the team to define functionalities according to user profiles, and then began zoning.

I was shown an existing Excel tool so I could familiarize myself with its possibilities. From there, the creation of the wireframes began. It was quite natural to come up with 3 scenarios for using the BSE.
Wireframe Scenario 1
Wireframe Scenario 2
Wireframe Scenario 3
We carried out 5 user tests on these wireframes. Overall, the general idea was that this work would make the tool more fluid and accessible. The average score for the tests was 3.8/5.
As with the analysis phase, a document was produced for the production phase. For the final prototype, I only had the client graphic charter for the panels and stands. So I started the production of the screens with these graphic rules. I updated the interface according to the feedback from user tests, while applying the graphical layer. Many discussions were held with the development team to validate the feasibility of the proposed functionalities.
Production File 1
We tested the final prototype again, this time with 9 users. I carefully collected their feedback and summarized it. This synthesis mentions the time savings approved by all users with this redesign of the tool, as well as an appreciation for the new functionalities proposed. These tests obtained an average score of 4/5.
Production File 2
Once I had the client's graphic charter, I was able to update the prototype following feedback from user tests, but also by working on the colour of the interface elements. The philosophy behind the screens is to use the same colours as the client logo: shades of orange on the left-hand side of the screen and shades of blue on the right-hand side. I also carried out a test for colour blindness.
For the final phase, change management, various supports were provided to help users familiarise themselves with the new tool. During the interviews, we were often asked for a tutorial document. To achieve this, a motion design, a e-learning, a webinar, tutorial sheets and a practical guide sheet were created.
E-learning Template
I was in charge of producing the template for the e-learning, which would be transposed to all media. The idea was to take the user on a voyage by presenting a sailing boat travelling from Marseille, where the DIPDE team is based, to Tours, where the CNEPE team is based. I then produced the tutorial sheets that accompany the new BSE.
Tutorials Sheets
This project was such an investment and such a great experience for developing the UX and UI process that my company's internal competition was a great opportunity to give it visibility. So, as with the Safety Game project in 2023, I took part in the contest in 2024 with this new team.

This year, unlike last year, we had to go through a selection process to reach the grand final. Once we had passed this selection, we were mentored by coaches to prepare us for the final oral.
Photo of the finalists
We have chosen to use a new tool to offer an original presentation with Genially. We were also asked to prepare a short introductory video. The oral presentation in front of an audience and judges went well, with successive animations that accompanied our speaking turns...
Screeshot of the presentation in Genially
...and we won the prize in our category, award 2024.
Photo of the trophy of the intern contest 2024
Green Minded
Template Machine
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